Identification of common key regulators in rat hepatocyte cell lines under exposure of different pesticides

Sohrabi, Seyed Sajad and Sohrabi, Seyyed Mohsen and Rashidipour, Marzieh and Mohammadi, Mohsen and Khalili Fard, Javad and Mirzaei Najafgholi, Hossein (2020) Identification of common key regulators in rat hepatocyte cell lines under exposure of different pesticides. Gene.


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Pesticides exposure can have harmful effects on human health. The liver is the most common organ of pesticides toxicity due to its major metabolic activity. The molecular mechanism of pesticides effect is complex and is controlled by gene regulatory networks. All components of regulatory networks are controlled by transcription factors and other regulatory elements. Therefore, identification of key regulators through system biology approaches and high‐throughput techniques can help to provide comprehensive insights into molecular mechanisms of the pesticide effect. In the current study, a microarray data-set was used to potentially identify molecular mechanisms that regulate gene expression profile of rat hepatocyte cell lines in response to pesticides exposure. Results showed that the number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and differentially expressed transcription factors (DE-TFs) were dramatically different among pesticides tested. Results also revealed 205 commonDEGsand11DE-TFsamong pesticidestested. Additionally,wefoundthatsixDE-TFs(CREB1, CTNNB1, PPARG, SP1, SRF and STAT3) had the highest number of interactions with other DEGs and acted as the key regulatory genes. The results of this study revealed regulator genes that have the key functions in response to pesticides toxicity in rat liver, which can provide the basis for future studies. Furthermore, these regulatory genes can be used as toxicity biomarkers to improve diagnosis and prognosis.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine > RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology
Divisions: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences > School of Medicine
Depositing User: lorestan university
Date Deposited: 10 Mar 2020 04:16
Last Modified: 10 Mar 2020 04:16

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