Phytotherapy for Wound Healing: The Most Important Herbal Plants in Wound Healing Based on Iranian Ethnobotanical Documents

Solati, Kamal and Karimi, Mehrdad and Rafieian-Kopaei, Mahmoud and Abbasi, Naser and Abbaszadeh, Saber and Bahmani, Mahmoud (2021) Phytotherapy for Wound Healing: The Most Important Herbal Plants in Wound Healing Based on Iranian Ethnobotanical Documents. Mini Rev Med Chem Actions Search in PubMed Search in NLM Catalog Add to Search.

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Wound healing is a process that starts with the inflammatory response after the occurrence of any damage. This process initiates by restoring the wound surface coating tissue, migrating fibroblasts to form the required collagen, forming a healing tissue and finally, leading to contortion and extraction of the wound. Today, various drugs are used to heal wounds. However, the drugs used to repair wounds have some defects and side effects. In spite of all attempts to accelerate wound healing definitely, no safe drug has been introduced for this purpose. Therefore, the necessity to identify herbal plants in ethnopharmacology and ethnobotany documents with healing effects is essential. In this article, we tried to review and present effective Iranian medicinal plants and herbal compounds used for wound healing. Searching was performed on databases, including ISI Web of Science, PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, ISC, SID, Magiran and some other databases. The keywords used included wound healing, skin treatment, medicinal plants, ethnobotany, and phytotherapy. In this regard, 139 medicinal plants effective on wound healing were identified based on ethnopharmacology and ethnobotanical sources of Iran. Plants such as Salvia officinalis, Echium amoenum, Verbascum spp., G1ycyrrhiza glabra, Medicago sativa, Mentha pulegium, Datura stramonium L., Alhagi spp., Aloe vera, Hypericum perforatum, Pistacia atlantica and Prosopis cineraria are the most important and useful medicinal plants used for wound healing in Iran. These native Iranian medicinal plants are rich in antioxidants and biological compounds and might be used for wound healing and preparation of new drugs.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine > RV Botanic, Thomsonian, and eclectic medicine
Divisions: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences > School of Medicine
Depositing User: samira sepahvandy
Date Deposited: 25 Jul 2021 07:58
Last Modified: 25 Jul 2021 07:58

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